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The class of 3ème A (year 10 UK/ 9th grade USA) made videos on Volleyball in an interdisciplinary project.
They completed their work into 3 steps. First, the students shot the trainings and matches during their Volleyball lessons in PE. Then, they selected the best scenes and images thanks to a video montage software. And finally, after setting the storyboard, they recorded an explanatory commentary on the Volleyball rules and techniques or made a commentary on different parts of a match, all this in English !
They now have the possibility to present this project to the oral part of their final examination, the DNB. They have studied the origin and the history of Volleyball in English. They have learnt the rules and the practice of this game.
Let’s enjoy some of the videos they made !

Permanent link to this article: https://francois1er-villers-cotterets.ac-amiens.fr/en/test-english/